During the past year, the Trustees of the Oil and Protein Seeds Development Trust (OPDT) once again succeeded in their efforts to achieve the Trust's objectives as set out in the Trust Deed.
The main objectives of the Trust are the promotion and development of the oilseeds industry in South Africa by:
- financing research projects relating to the improvement, production, storage, processing and marketing of oilseeds;
- providing funding to support information and advisory services to the oilseeds industry, particularly relating to the production of oilseeds and marketing conditions;
- investing and conserving the assets of the Trust;
- productive utilisation of the assets of the Trust as may be required from time to time, in such a manner that the real value of the assets is maintained or increased as far as possible; and
- financing market access or any other action that is in the interest of the oilseeds industry, provided that such funding is in accordance with the objectives and prescriptions of the Act (Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, Act 47 of 1996, as amended).
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