Sunflower, Soybean and Soyfood Forum
held on 3 November 2014 at 10h00 at the offices of the Oilseeds Industry, 49 River Road, Woodmead
The meeting was opened with a prayer, offered by Mr N Hawkins.
The Chairperson, Mr Scholtemeijer, welcomed all to the last meeting of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soy Food Forum for 2014 with a special word of welcome to the new minutes secretary Sylvia Knoop.
The Chairperson advised that Ms Harmse had become a grandmother and would no longer have the time to take minutes. The Chairperson also welcomed the food people and gave a bit of a background of SSA and the way forward. Minutes of a General Meeting of Soy Southern Africa were in the pack (Annexure J), which had been distributed. The Soy Food activities would be included in this forum in the meantime and it would be decided at a later stage whether a separate forum would be established in future.
Mr GJH Scholtemeijer Chairperson Ms W Louw SAGL Ms M Purnell GSI Dr L du Plessis PRF Contractor Mr L Verhoef Agratech Trade Mr N Scheltema BFHP Dr A Nel ARC-GCI Mr T Prinsloo ARC-GCI Mr K-J Leeuw ARC-Irene Ms T Nkukwana ARC-API Irene Dr E Briedenhann OAC/PRF Mr C Joubert NAMC Mr J Botma OAC Ms L Mellet NAMC Mr T Rudman SANCU Mr R Beukes DAFF Mr J Rankin GrainSA Ms J K Tshupe OAC Mr C Louw GrainSA Mr N Hawkins SAGIS Mr G Keun CEO: OPDT/OAC Apologies
Mr C Sturgess JSE Commodities Dr L Chetty Sansor Dr M Visser Grain SA Ms H Kruger Thuso Stop Hunger Projects Ms K Arpin Thuso Stop Hunger Projects Prof W Oldewage-Theron VUT Dr A Egal VUT Dr P van Twisk Consultant Mr W Cronje Impilo Dr W van der Walt SAMCU Personalia
Confirmation of the agenda
The agenda was accepted without any changes.
Approval of minutes
Approval of the minutes of the combined meeting of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum and the Soybean Work Group held on 16 January 2014
Page 9 – Point 10 – Seed: Compensating the seed companies for seed retained as grain. Should read grain retained as seed.
- That the minutes of the combined meeting of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum and Soybean Work Group, that was held on 16 January 2014, be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting.
Matters arising
Marketing aspects
Crop Estimates
The Chairperson tabled the document reflecting the seventh local production estimates of sunflowers and soybeans for the 2013-2014 production season, as well as the producer's intentions to plant sunflowers and soybeans for the 2015 production season. Ms Beukes then commented that in the coming season 634 000 hectares of sunflower seed would be planted, which was 35 000 hectares more than the previous season. The biggest increase was in the North West province followed by the Free State province. The three year average yield is 1.24 tons per hectare for sunflower seed and if that figure is used, a forecast of just under 800 000 tons can be expected in the coming season, with an expected area of 633 600 hectares to be planted.
2014 production season, as well as the producer's intentions to plant sunflowers and soybeans for the 2015 production season. Ms Beukes then commented that in the coming season 634 000 hectares of sunflower seed would be planted, which was 35 000 hectares more than the previous season. The biggest increase was in the North West province followed by the Free State province. The three year average yield is 1.24 tons per hectare for sunflower seed and if that figure is used, a forecast of just under 800 000 tons can be expected in the coming season, with an expected area of 633 600 hectares to be planted.
The Chairperson advised that sunflower hectares had increased by 5.8%, while soy increased by 22.9%. The Chairperson acknowledged Ms Beukes' input with thanks.
(Resolution of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum minutes of 16/01/14)
Mr Hawkins presented an overview of the national supply and demand situation of soybeans and sunflowers for the previous season ending February 2014. He indicated that at the end of last season there was a closing stock of 47 000 tons of sunflowers. A good crop of 853 000 tons has been delivered to date, including imports of 30 000 tons which in total was 140 000 tons more than the previous season. Exports were rather small, but there will be larger production, so the estimated opening stock will be three times larger than that of the previous season. Internationally there is a decrease in the anticipated stock from 3.2 million tons to 2.4 million tons.
For soybeans, opening stock was 61 800 tons. The present crop looks very promising and it was hoped that it would reach 1 million tons. There were imports of 110 000 tons. The total use that is expected is 956 000 tons. It is more than the current production, but that is as a result of the huge imports. The opening stock in the international market has also increased and it was expected that the soybean stock in the world would increase from 66 million tons to 90 million tons.
Mr Joubert enquired about the increase in sunflower and the effect thereof on the use of soybean oilcake that transferred to sunflower. The Chairperson asked if anyone would like to have a guess at that. He asked Dr Briedenhann for his comments. Dr Briedenhann felt it was irrelevant because there was more than enough soy and sunflower capacity, but there was definitely a swop over. It was suggested that the discussions be left until after Mr Hawkins had finished with his presentation.
Mr Hawkins reported on the estimates for the last three years to the current season. The difference between sunflower crop estimates and deliveries for 2012 was 12 000 tons which is less than the following years difference of 14 835 tons. At present deliveries are 32 000 tons less than the estimated production. Although total deliveries for the season had not yet been effected.
Regarding soybeans, the difference between deliveries and production was 28 000 tons for 2012/13, 25 000 tons for 2013/14, with a present shortage of 48 000 tons is shown, although the season deliveries had not yet been completed.
For the year 2013/2014, 30 000 tons of sunflower seed was imported. It is not expected that any further imports of sunflower will take place as current stock is sufficient.
If one looks at the progressive chart of soybeans, more was imported than exported. Soybeans had a turnaround from a net export to a net import.
Mr Hawkins displayed the local and international prices for soybean compared to a year ago, on a month to month basis. November was 9% higher than the previous month, the same for March also being almost 9% higher. The year on year basis shows that prices fell by 20% and 18%, respectively.
If one looks at soybean prices and compares it with sunflower prices and future prices, comparing it against local and international prices, it has fallen sharply year on year.
He showed the indicative import parity prices – landed in Randfontein – for Argentinian Soybeans of R6 255 and French sunflower of R5 572.
Mr Hawkins pointed out the South African statistics regarding price changes for margarine, peanut butter and sunflower oil. (The year on year change for the same month 2012, 2013 and 2014). It can be seen that the price of margarine is 4.99% higher than a year ago, with peanut butter at 4.36% higher than a year ago, whereas sunflower oil is 8% lower.
If one looks at sunflower oil cake, the quantity imported for 2012, 2013 and 2014 over the same time frame, January-August, totalled 38 000 tons versus 82 000 tons, which is good news, because we imported less sunflower oil cake. The total value was R132 million for 2012, R204 million for 2013, versus R128 million for 2014.
The quantity of oil imported decreased from 114 000 tons to 75 000 tons, while the Rand value also dropped.
Soybean oil cake: imports for January-August was 341 000 tons which is less than 458 000 tons in 2013 and considerably less than 556 000 tons for the 2012 season.
Co-workers: Mr Hawkins then highlighted the pie-charts regarding co-workers for both soybeans and sunflower, with firms for soybeans totalling 109 and firms for sunflower totalling 104.
He pointed out that Mr Karabo Peele was presently the Chairman of SAGIS.
The Oil and Protein Seeds Development Trust and Oilseeds Industry were represented by Mr Gerhard Scholtemeijer and Mr Willie Marais, with Mr Jaco Minnaar as their alternate.
Mr Hawkins expressed his thanks and appreciation for the support. The Chairperson then thanked Mr Hawkins for a very comprehensive presentation, whereafter he attended to a few questions from the floor.
Producer matters
The Chairperson stated that he will not refer to each province in detail.
KwaZulu-Natal, Western and Eastern Cape
The meeting lacked a variety of producers at the meeting that could converse about these areas.
Mpumalanga and Gauteng
Many farmers have commenced planting.
North West and Limpopo Province
It was noted that follow up rain was needed.
Free State
More hectares had been planted in the Free State however follow up rain was needed.
Sclerotinia survey
The Sclerotinia survey results in Annexure D were discussed.
Summary items:
On the Sunflower Crop, the affected area in 2014 was a lot larger than the area affected in 2013 (766ha vs. 58 736ha thus 0,5% vs. 9,81% of total plantings).
On the Soybean Crop, the affected area had the opposite effect, 2013 was larger than 2014 (44 653ha vs. 29 588ha – thus 8,65% vs. 5,88%).
It has already been ten years since this research first started. The Chairman expressed his sincere gratitude towards the Crop Estimates Committee for their support with the serious matter. He indicated that the OAC will stay in close contact with the Sclerotinia Initiative in North Dakota, since it appears that there is no cure for Sclerotinia.
Sunflower value chain study
(Resolution of the minutes of the Combined Meeting of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum and Soybean Work Group of 23 October 2013)
The Chairman stated that an updated report has been submitted to the OAC, but that the report will not be made public until the OAC gives the green light for the release thereof. He indicated that the updated report was a much better effort than the first one and the report will be released shortly after a few minor adjustments have been made to such.
- That feedback is being awaited on the study on the sunflower value chain.
Sunflower and Soybean Forum
- That feedback is being awaited on the study on the sunflower value chain.
National Sunflower cultivar trials
The Chairman tabled the report of the Sunflower Cultivar Recommendations for 2014/2015 as per Annexure E. A general discussion of various aspects took place after the most aspects were highlighted by Dr André A Nel. He summarised by indicating that readers should take account of the results of the top 5 cultivars over a three year period, to make the best deductions from the figures published.
The Chairman conveyed a word of sincere gratitude to Dr Nel and his co-workers for a job well done!
National Soybean cultivar trials
The Chairman tabled the Soybean Cultivar Recommendations for 2013/2014 as per Annexure F. A general discussion took place. It was pointed out that 85% of soybean cultivars are GMO and the balance conventional cultivars.
The Chairman issued a word of gratitude to Mr T Prinsloo of ARC/GCI, Mrs AS de Beer and her co-workers for all the hard work that went hand-in-hand with the publication of these recommendations.
Soybean rust
Soybean rust trap crops
These reports will not be prepared this year.
Rhizobium: feedback
(Resolution of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum and minutes 16/01/14)
Feedback is to be given at the next meeting.
Soybean storage: moisture levels
The Chairperson referred to Annexure G, a well prepared document, prepared by Dr Erhard Briedenhann, concerning soybean storage with reference to moisture levels. The Chairman asked Dr Briedenhann whether he wished to highlight one of two salient points, whereafter the grain silo industry could comment, before general discussion took place.
Since the documents, which were circulated to all members, contained an abundance of detail with regards to temperature, Dr Briedenhann highlighted only several aspects. The accepted norm for soybean delivered is 13% moisture. On the one hand it is not a serious problem; soybeans have been delivered at 14% moisture, provided that the beans would be stored for a shorter period of time. The Chairman stated that the request came from Grain SA at the congress for a study that the intake of soybean can start at 14% moisture level and not the present 13%. This will enable the farmer to start harvesting at an earlier stage and would also result in fewer splits upon delivery.
Dr Briedenhann elaborated on a situation where soybeans were stored at a higher percentage, with insufficient aeration. The resulting damage incurred amounted to millions of Rands.
Dr Briedenhann pointed out however, that at the Standerton plant, there is a complaint that the soybeans are too dry when it has to be processed and that moisture had to be added in order to successfully flake soybeans. If soybeans are flaked at 7% or 8% moisture it does not turn into flakes, it turns into crumbles. It was pointed out that most concrete silos in South Africa do not have aeration.
Presently the silo industry takes in soybeans at a maximum of 13% moisture, whilst remuneration is as if it was at 12%.
It was pointed out that the seed company harvests soybeans at 14%, where after the seed is stored in mass volume bags with aeration. According to Dr Briedenhann 14% is not a problem, as long as there is aeration.
After further discussion, it was felt that further discussions need to take place between Grain SA and the silo industry, where after the issue should be communicated in detail to the farmers.
The discussion was terminated with a request that the Chairman and Mr Louw from Grain SA, should look at some possible options for further discussion.
The Chairman thanked Dr Briedenhann for a well-prepared document.
- That the Chairman and Mr Louw from GrainSA look at some possible options for further discussion.
Mr Louw
- That the Chairman and Mr Louw from GrainSA look at some possible options for further discussion.
"Management of charcoal rot", Dr J de Waals and a PhD student, at the University of Pretoria
The Chairman pointed out that the literature study "Management of charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina" compiled Ms E Jordaan, is a sub-section of a research project by Prof Jacquie van der Waals, Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, at the University of Pretoria.
The project is now in its second year and once completed, the summary of the project will be submitted to the forum.
The Chairman pointed out that in the recent years there was not enough seed produced to meet the demand of the farmers. It was reported that in the previous year, seed was produced for only 160 000 hectares of soybeans. The question arose as to whether there will be sufficient seed for the projected 600 000 hectares, that will be planted under soybeans in the coming year.
It was pointed out that there were discussions with the seed companies and most of them have agreed to double their production.
The criticism levelled at the soybean farmers for retaining grain as seed, is regarded as unfounded and in that vein, the Chairman mentioned that a discussion with Dr Chetty, the CEO of Sansor, would take place in the near future.
Technology transfer
Information days 2015
(Resolution 11.1.1 of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum minutes of 16/01/2014)
Cognisance was taken of Annexure I. The Chairman requested that all members who were aware of any information days should submit such information to Mr Gerhard Keun for re-distribution to the forum.
Sunflower Symposium
(Resolution 14.1 of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum minutes of 16/01/2014)
Several years have lapsed since the previous Sunflower Symposium was held. Due to big uncertainty within the sunflower industry, it was felt that another symposium should be held in either 2015 or 2016.
It was pointed out that a soybean symposium will be held on the 21-22 July 2015 and a canola symposium is planned for 2016. The Chairman ruled that once the sunflower value chain has been completed, a suitable date will be determined for the next sunflower symposium.
- That a suitable date be determined for a sunflower symposium.
Mr Keun
- That a suitable date be determined for a sunflower symposium.
Soy Southern Africa (SSA) – way forward
Cognisance was taken of the minutes of a general meeting of Soy Southern Africa, which was held on the 29th October 2013. Due to the disarray in the SSA, the OAC decided to accommodate the soyfood industry at this forum for the foreseeable future.
The Chairman pointed out that several projects had been submitted to the OAC and that the researchers will be given the opportunity to present their projects at the meetings of the forum, so that all role players will have a good idea of these projects. It was also pointed out that Government saw soybeans as a food source for the South African population, in a serious light.
Progress will be reported at the next meeting.
Funding of research projects
(Resolution 5.4.1 of the SSA minutes 29/10/2013)
The meeting took cognisance of Annexure K. A meeting was held with the various role players in order to ensure co-operation and to ensure that projects are not duplicated or overlapping.
The Chairman pointed out that he had a meeting with Embrapa Soy in Londrina in Brazil, who have a very developed soyfood department. It was decided in principle to invite representatives of Embrapa to the next symposium of Vaal University of Technology.
- That a representative of Embrapa Soyfood be invited to attend the VUT annual symposium, during 2015.
Mr Keun
- That a representative of Embrapa Soyfood be invited to attend the VUT annual symposium, during 2015.
Training (Intsoy in South Africa)
It was noted that the Vaal University of Technology presents an annual symposium on soyfood.
(Resolution 5.5.1 of the SSA minutes of 29/10/2013)
Several requests are received annually from people who wish to buy non-GMO soybeans. After discussions, it was felt that not enough information was available on the benefits and regulations regarding GMO and non-GMO soybeans.
Additional matters
Cognisance was taken of several articles included in the volume as Annexure L.
Sunflower Week in Review
(Resolution 12.4.1 of the Research Priority Committee of 23/09/2014)
Cognisance of several x-facts of the Sunflower – Week in Review, published by the Sunflower Association of America.
Merit awards
(Resolution 12.4.1 of the Sunflower and Soybean Forum minutes of 16/01/2014)
The Chairman pointed out that information concerning merit awards had been distributed to members by mail and is also available on the website. The closing date for the year 2014/2015 is the end March 2015.
The OAC is awaiting nominations for various categories and they are:
- Best PhD;
- Best M thesis;
- Best Article in a Scientific Magazine;
- An award to a person who has made a special contribution to the enhancement of one of the oilseeds industries.
Awards for each categories amounts to R6 000.
Application for statutory measures
A pro-forma document regarding statutory measures for the sunflower/soybean and groundnut industries, were included as Annexure N.
This aspect was dealt with separately for groundnuts, by the Groundnut Forum.
The Chairman pointed out that with regards to the Sunflower & Soybean Forum, which are voluntary associations of directly affected groups in South Africa, a unanimous decision was required by all role players before such a document could be submitted to Government.
Presently, the statistics supplied by SAGIS, is compiled following similar statutory measures with regards to the various industries, as presently funded by the four commodity trusts. Once all requirements have been met, such application will be submitted to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, by the Forum.
- That the application regarding statutory measures for the sunflower, soybean and groundnut industries will be submitted by the Forum to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, once all requirements have been met.
Mr Keun
- That the application regarding statutory measures for the sunflower, soybean and groundnut industries will be submitted by the Forum to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, once all requirements have been met.
Draft regulations – export of grains
The meeting took cognisance of the information as attached as Annexure O.
Oilseed Publication
The Chairman informed the meeting that the OAC/OPDT and the PRF are planning a quarterly magazine, called "Oilseeds Focus" for the Oilseeds Industry. Dr Briedenhann was asked to elaborate on this.
Dr Briedenhann pointed out that the first publication is envisaged for early 2015. It is planned in having a 50/50 split between articles and advertisements. The magazine will contain local and international articles with a total of 50 pages in A4-format. There will be various categories of articles with a 3 000-target audience circulation. Dr Briedenhann requested assistance with articles and advertisements from the members representing the various industries in this forum.
Election of office bearers
Mr Keun pointed out that the Chairman and Vice Chairman have a term of two years each. The Chairman and Vice Chairman represent either the sunflower or the soybean forum on the Oilseeds Advisory Committee. Mr Jan Botma, who represents the sunflower industry, still has another year left in office. Mr Keun pointed out that the term of office of Mr GJH Scholtemeijer, who represents the soy industry, has lapsed. Accordingly he called for nominations for a new Chairman for the next two years. Mr GJH Scholtemeijer was nominated and unanimously elected as Chairman of the Forum for the next two years and representative of the Soybean Industry on the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
- That Mr GJH Scholtemeijer be re-elected as Chairperson of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soyfood Forum for the period March 2015 until the end February 2017 and that he also represents the Soybean Industry on the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
Mr Keun
- That Mr GJH Scholtemeijer be re-elected as Chairperson of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soyfood Forum for the period March 2015 until the end February 2017 and that he also represents the Soybean Industry on the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
Dates of meetings
26 February 2015. Further dates to be finalized on the 26th February 2015.
The there being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 13h15.