SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 28 October 2019 at 10:00 at the offices of the Oilseeds Industry, 49 River Road, Woodmead
Mr L van der Walt opened the meeting with scripture reading, and prayer.
The Chairperson welcomed all present at the last meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum for 2019 and reminded the members that the forum's Terms of Reference will apply for the duration of the meeting.
The Chairperson requested that the Terms of Reference be included in the minutes annually for information purposes to new members.
Ms A Botha Chairperson Dr E Briendenhann OAC Mr T Clark RCL Foods Mr L De Kock Roba Foods Mr H Engelbrecht PPECB Mr M C Fonseca GroCapital / AFGRI Mr G Keun Chief Executive Officer Ms W Louw SAGL Dr C Mathews TUT Mr R Mommsen C Steinweg Bridge Dr D Naicker CSIR Mr R Nerwich Botnim TDG Mr G C Nortje GWK Ms G Phekani Milele Group Mr T Prinsloo ARC Grain Crops Institute Ms M Scheepers DAFF Mr W Snijman ARC Grain Crops Institute Mr L van der Walt Grain SA Mr J van der Watt GroCapital / AFGRI Mr K van Huyssteen SANSOR Mr A van Rensburg Tiger Brands Mr G van Wyk VGM Mr C van Zyl Triotrade Mr P A Visser Golden Peanut Mr C J Wegner PPECB Apologies
Mr N Hawkins SAGIS Mr H Lazarus LB Nuts Mr C Louw Grain SA Mr V Mapfumari DAFF Personalia
Finalisation of agenda
The agenda was accepted, with the addition of:
- Item 8.3 – Supply and demand information: NAMC
- Item 10.4 – Groundnut Grading
- Item 10.5 – OPOT Website
- Item 10.6 – PPECB Laboratory: Groundnut Aflatoxin Report
- Item 10.7 – CSIR Nano Sensor Survey
- Item 10.8 – Operational Coordinating Position
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2019 were approved as a true reflection of the proceedings, and the Chairperson thanked the staff responsible for the accurate recording of the discussions.
- That the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 17 July 2019 be approved.
Forum MembersMatters arising from the minutes
Strategic Industry Plan
(Resolution 7.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 14/02/2019)
Notice was taken of the updated document, SA Groundnut Forum Projects & Key Objectives 2018/19, attached as Annexure B to the agenda.
Groundnut Symposium
The Chairperson mentioned that the matter in respect of the Groundnut Symposium will be kept on the agenda.
Farmers' Day / Road trip
(Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the Groundnut information days that took place from 8 to 10 October 2019 at Setlagole, Hartswater, and Viljoenskroon, respectively.
An overview was given of the presentations by the various role-players presented during the information days.
The following issues were identified during the road trip that required attention and research:
- Distributing feedback on research to producers
- Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
- Study on the price of Groundnuts
- Problems with Nematodes
- Interaction of the large companies in Farmers' days
- Wind erosion
A request was made to Mr Keun to provide a list to the forum members of students who had completed their studies.
The Chairperson thanked the Oilseed Advisory Committee and the Selection Facilities for the funding of the road trip.
Mr De Kock mentioned that good feedback was received from the producers regarding the road trip.
- That the following issues required attention and research:
- Distributing feedback on research to producers
- Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
- Study on the price of Groundnuts
- Problems with Nematodes
- Interaction of the large companies in Farmers' days
- Wind erosion
Mr Keun
Members - That a list of students who had completed their studies made available to the forum members.
Mr Keun
LEAF services
(Resolution 7.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that no feedback was received as yet. It was decided to keep the matter on the agenda.
- That progress related to LEAF Services/SGS, be communicated to the forum members.
Mr Keun
- That progress related to LEAF Services/SGS, be communicated to the forum members.
Tariff codes on blanched groundnuts
Import tariffs
(Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the BFAP report, The Groundnut Value Chain – update 2019, attached as annexure D to the agenda.
The Chairperson mentioned that a quotation was requested from Hilton Lambert to assist with the tariff application to ITAC. It was noted that two separate applications must be submitted to ITAC, namely peanut butter and roasted peanuts, to the value of R250 000.00 each.
The Chairperson said that 50% of the R500 000.00 will be requested from OPOT/OAC, and the other 50% will have to be requested from the Groundnut Industry.
Feedback will be given to the forum members regarding the progress with the matter.
- That feedback will be communicated to the forum members regarding the progress with the tariff application.
Mr Keun
- That feedback will be communicated to the forum members regarding the progress with the tariff application.
GAP Audits
(Resolution 7.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the proposed GAP guidelines attached as Annexure E to the agenda and distrusted to the Forum members on 18 July 2019.
The proposed GAP guidelines were sent to PPECB for comments, and no feedback has been received.
The Chairperson undertook to follow up with PPECB in this regard.
- That the Chairperson will follow up on the proposed GAP guidelines that were sent to PPECB for comments.
Mr Keun
- That the Chairperson will follow up on the proposed GAP guidelines that were sent to PPECB for comments.
Japanese delegation visit
(Resolutions 7.5.1 and 7.5.2of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that during the previous meeting, it was decided to postpone the Japanese Delegation visit to 2020.
A final decision will be taken during the February 2020 meeting of the Forum.
- That, due to the drought in South Africa, the Japanese trip was postponed.
Mr Keun
Members - That a final decision regarding the Japanese visit by a South African delegation will be taken during the first meeting of 2020.
Mr Keun
- That, due to the drought in South Africa, the Japanese trip was postponed.
Import: Quality and Aflatoxin Control
(Resolution 7.6.1 – 7.6.3 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07//2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that no feedback had been received from the Department of Health and requested that the item remains on the agenda.
- That the Department of Health be requested to comment on possible procedures in respect of border post imports.
Mr Keun - That as soon as feedback had been received from the Department of Health, the way to handle the matter will be considered.
Mr Keun
- That the Department of Health be requested to comment on possible procedures in respect of border post imports.
PPECB: Aflatoxin Testing
(Resolution 10.5.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07//2019)
The Chairperson report that the samples for Aflatoxin testing is in the process and was sent to PPECB, Mérieux NutriSciences and Bureau Veritas Laboratories, Grand Laboratories, and National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) and feedback will be given to the Forum members.
- That the samples for Aflatoxin testing is in the process and was sent to PPECB, Mérieux NutriSciences and Bureau Veritas Laboratories, Grand Laboratories, and National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) and feedback will be given to the Forum members.
Mr Keun
- That the samples for Aflatoxin testing is in the process and was sent to PPECB, Mérieux NutriSciences and Bureau Veritas Laboratories, Grand Laboratories, and National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) and feedback will be given to the Forum members.
Aflatoxin in groundnuts forces Kenyan imports nuts from Uganda and Malawi – Business Daily
Notice was taken of the article "Aflatoxin in groundnuts forces Kenyan imports nuts from Uganda and Malawi – Business Daily," attached as Annexure F to the agenda.
DAFF Approved Laboratories for Testing of Aflatoxin on Groundnut for Export
Notice was taken of the document "DAFF Approved Laboratories for Testing of Aflatoxin on Groundnut for Export," attached as Annexure G to the agenda.
The Chairperson said that the detail of all duly registered laboratories was forwarded to the Forum members on 22 July 2019.
Visit by Japan Government
(Resolution 7.7.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the presentation from the Japanese Government attached as Annexure H to the agenda.
Porous Alpha Trails
(Resolution 10.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the contents of the document "Phorous Alpha Trails" attached as Annexure I to the agenda.
The Chairman said that the Porous Alpha Trails are too expensive and will, therefore, not be implemented in South Africa. The Chairperson asked that the item be removed from the agenda.
Industry information and marketing aspects
Crop and area estimates
Notice was taken of the document "Crop and Area Estimates" attached as Annexure J to the agenda.
Ms Scheepers presented her report regarding the area planted estimates and eighth production forecast for summer crops 2019.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Scheepers for the information presented.
SAGIS: General feedback and market information
Notice was taken of the SAGIS Monthly return information attached as Annexure K, to the agenda as well as the documentation provided during the meeting.
Supply and Demand Information: NAMC
The Chairperson said that a request has been received for the Supply and Demand Estimates Committee to include groundnuts in their monthly statistics, and the forum members must indicate if there is a need for such information.
After a detailed discussion of the said request, the forum members decided to obtain more information from the NAMC for further consideration by the Groundnut forum before a final decision can be taken.
- That more information be obtained from the NAMC regarding the monthly statistics regarding groundnuts before a final decision be taken.
Mr Keun
- That more information be obtained from the NAMC regarding the monthly statistics regarding groundnuts before a final decision be taken.
Research Projects: 2019/2020 financial year
(Resolution 9.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Mr Keun gave a short overview of the Research Projects: 2019/2020 Financial Year and indicate that a final report of the project "Use of Biocontrol agents to control Aflatoxin pathogens" had been received from KZN University. Once the report has been approved by OPDT/OAC, it will be distributed to the Forum members.
Mr Keun mentioned that recommendation to OPOT/OAC will be made towards the funding of continuation, transformation, and generic marketing projects for the 2020/21 financial year.
The Forum members are requested to contact Mr Keun with regards to assistance with transformation projects in the Groundnut industry.
- That the summary of the final report of the project "Use of Biocontrol agents to control Aflatoxin pathogens" will be distributed to the forum members as soon as it is approved by OPOT/OAC.
Mr Keun
- That the summary of the final report of the project "Use of Biocontrol agents to control Aflatoxin pathogens" will be distributed to the forum members as soon as it is approved by OPOT/OAC.
Feedback on cultivar evaluation project
(Resolution 9.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
Notice was taken of the document "Cultivar Evaluation Project," attached as Annexure L, to the agenda.
Mr Prinsloo mentioned that two breeding lines will be registered by the ARC.
The Chairperson thanked the members involved.
Breeding and seed propagation
(Resolution 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 17/07/2019)
The Chairperson gave a brief overview of the Breeding and Seed Propagation Work Group and the reasons for the existence of the work group.
During the meeting held on 13 September 2019, it was established that this project is going to be a lengthy process of about 17 years. Furthermore, there will be 5 significant phases, namely:
- Crosses & Back Crosses
- Single Plants / Breeding Lines
- Advanced Trials
- Cultivar Trials
- Breeder Seed
The following actions need immediate actions:
- Drafting of a Terms of Reference and Confidentially agreement of members of the group
- Approval of schedule to visit trials
- Future funding – ARC and other seed companies (Grain SA working on Breeding & Technology Levy scheme proposal)
- Purity of mother seed
- Requirements for localities, cultivation, and labour
- Upgrading of Glasshouse
- SOP for cultivar trials
- Cost Estimation – R100 000
- That the following actions need immediate actions:
- Drafting of a Terms of Reference and Confidentially agreement of members of the group
- Approval of schedule to visit trials
- Future funding – ARC and other seed companies (Grain SA working on Breeding & Technology Levy scheme proposal)
- Purity of mother seed
- Requirements for localities, cultivation, and labour
- Upgrading of Glasshouse
- SOP for cultivar trials
- Cost Estimation – R100 000
Mr Keun
Additional matters
The contents of the articles included in the agenda as Annexure M were noted.
Joint Food Safety an MRL Meeting
The contents of the documents included in the agenda as Annexure N were noted.
The Chairperson mentioned that the updated MRL document is available on the OPOT website.
ESA Snack Nut Production Course
The contents of the documents included in the agenda as Annexure O were noted.
Groundnut Grading
Mr Wegner gave an overview of the research project and steps to determining the Nett Dry Pods:
- Determine the nett weight of wet pods on weighbridge (deduct the weight of bags where applicable)
- Collect a representative sample and determine the moisture content
- Determine the percentage of the foreign matter during the delivery of wet pods by using a representative sample and determine the weight of wet foreign matter from the sample. Determine a percentage from the 10kg sample and record the percentage on the WET POD RECEIPT DOCUMENT
- Determine the kernel content from a representative sample of the consignment and express that as a percentage
- Capture all the above information into the WET POD RECEIPT DOCUMENT
- The result of the WET POD RECEIPT DOCUMENT will then indicate the Nett Dry pod weight of the consignment
- When the product is dry (below 7% moisture), the dry Kernel content should be determined and recorded as per standard guidelines for producer grading
After discussions, it has been decided that for the current season, 6% and 7% moisture content will be used, and thereafter the matter will be reconsidered in order to take a final decision.
- That for the current season 6% and 7% moisture content will be used, whereafter the matter will be reconsidered in order to take a final decision.
Mr Keun
OPDT website
The Chairperson advised to the Forum members to take some time and visit the OPDT website.
The Chairperson thanked the administration for the tremendous amount of work done with the website and making it very user-friendly.
PPECB Laboratory: Groundnut Aflatoxin Report
The presentation of Mr Engelbrecht was noted.
CSIR Nano Sensor Survey
Dr Naicker gave an overview of NANO System Technology Research and requested the Forum members to please participate in the survey to establish if there is a need in the industry for such technology.
Operational Coordinating Position
Mr De Kock mentioned that the Chairperson had taken on some work concerning the Groundnut Forum without compensation. He is of the opinion that the matter should be addressed in such a way that the Chairperson not only be remunerated and supported but continuity be addressed as well.
After discussion, it was resolved that in order to take a decision in this regard, more information regarding all actions/work must be submitted.
- That further information will be needed regarding the administration of the Groundnut Forum and will be discussed in more detail at the next Forum meeting.
Mr Keun
- That further information will be needed regarding the administration of the Groundnut Forum and will be discussed in more detail at the next Forum meeting.
Election of office bearers
Mr De Kock was re-elected Vice Chairperson for the next two years.
- That Mr De Kock be re-elected as Vice-Chairperson for a period of two years.
Mr Keun
- That Mr De Kock be re-elected as Vice-Chairperson for a period of two years.
Meeting dates 2020
The following meeting dates were scheduled for 2020:
- 13 February 2020
- 15 July 2020
- 28 October 2020
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 14h00.