Work Group Minutes

Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum
Meeting held on 4 October 2023 at the offices of the Oilseeds Industry, 49 River Road, Woodmead and via MS Teams

  1. Opening

    Mr Ralf Küsel opened the meeting with prayer.

  2. Welcome

    The Chairperson, Mr Ralf Küsel, welcomed everybody present at the meeting and a special welcome to Mr Facundo Stella from GDM and Mr Johan Teessen from Grain SA attending their first meeting of the forum.

  3. Attendance


    Mr R Küsel Chairperson
    Mr A Bennett SACTA
    Mr J Botma OAC
    Dr E Briedenhann PRF/OAC
    Mr T Clark RCL Foods
    Dr J Dreyer PRF
    Mr CJ Louw Grain SA
    Ms W Louw SAGL
    Mr P Lovelace CEOCO/SAOPA
    Dr S Ma'ali ARC-GCI
    Mr S Mahlangu SACTA
    Ms M Scheepers DALRRD
    Mr B Schultz SAGIS
    Mr F Stella GDM
    Mr J Teessen Grain SA
    Ms M du Preez PRF
    Ms A Schoeman PRF

    Via MS Teams

    Ms A Botha OAC Member
    Mr H Davies Eden Social Development Foundation
    Ms AS de Beer ARC-GCI
    Mr GP de Beer PRF Contractor
    Mr S de Jager COFCO
    Mr M Fache DALRRD
    Mr M Jansen van Rensburg Department of Agriculture, Mpumalanga
    Mr J Kotze SACOTA
    Mr S Lamprecht Department of Agriculture, Mpumalanga
    Ms L Mellett NAMC
    Mr V Mpumza JSE
    Mr L Phaleng AFMA
    Mr T Prinsloo ARC
    Mr C Rasoesoe DTIC
    Ms S Rudolph RCL Foods
    Mr L Schoonraad Corteva
    Ms F Sundani NAMC
    Mr N van Burick Landbouweekblad
    Dr A van der Vyver SACOTA
    Mr N Wegner PPECB


    Mr JD Boshoff Consolidated Agricultural Services
    Prof S Lamprecht ARC-PPRI
    Mr W Lemmer Agbiz Grain
    Prof F Meyer PRF
    Mr T Phasoana ARC
    Mr GL Roos Producer: Mpumalanga
    Dr L Rothmann UFS
    Mr A Theron PRF
    Mr K van Huyssteen SANSOR
    Mr W van Wyk PRF Contractor
  4. Personalia

    None reported.

  5. Confirmation of the agenda

    1. Format of Future Meetings

      The Chairman mentioned that he and Mr Keun thought it good to relook the format and agenda of the meeting and restructure and reshuffle the agenda to be more streamlined.

      Mr Keun mentioned that he went back into the archives and looked at discussions that had taken place since 1997 at the Forum.

      Mr Keun also mentioned that the Forum plays a very important role in the industry and that participation was voluntary. He also mentioned that it was not a controlled body but merely a platform for all role-players in the industry to share ideas, address problems or challenges, identify research topics and share information for the industry to reinform the work all the role-players were involved in. It is a platform to share information. The new format was open for comments. It was noted that meetings will be taking place 3 (three) times a year.

      The Agenda was accepted with no additions.

  6. Approval of minutes

    1. Minutes of a meeting of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum held on 23 May 2023 and referral to the website


      1. That the minutes of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum held on 23 May 2023 be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting, and that the minutes be referred to the Oilseeds Industry's website for publication.

        Ms Du Preez
        Steering Committee

  7. Market aspects

    1. Current oil seed prices: local and international

      Dr E Briedenhann gave a brief overview and did a presentation on the status of the local and international soybean and sunflower markets, with aspects such as production, prices, demand and supply, amongst others, being covered.

    2. SAGIS

      The contents of the latest SAGIS Weekly Bulletin and the latest Monthly Bulletin included in Annexure B were noted. Cognisance was taken that this and other data were published on the SAGIS website.

      Mr Schultz gave a short presentation in respect of the SAGIS information.

      1. Request from Grain SA: Weekly information on sunflower and soybean oilcake imports and exports

        (Resolution 16.10.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 23/05/2023)

        Mr Louw mentioned that a meeting still needs to be arranged with the Competition Commission regarding the Wheat application and once that was completed Grain SA will then apply for the Sunflower and Soybean oilcake imports and exports weekly information.

        Mr Louw requested that weekly import and export information be supplied for the Sunflower and Soybean oilcake imports and exports, and not on an 8-weekly basis as previously requested.

        Dr E Briedenhann mentioned that there will be financial implications to accommodate the request and that SAGIS need to submit a quote regarding changing the information on sunflower and soybean oilcake imports and exports to a weekly basis and advise if it is feasible or not.


        1. That it be noted that a meeting still needs to be arranged with the Competition Commission with regards to collecting information on "Weekly information on Wheat imports and exports".

          Mr Louw
          Mr Keun

        2. That it be noted that SAGIS need to submit a quote regarding changing the information on sunflower and soybean oilcake imports and exports to a weekly basis and advise if it is feasible or not.

          Mr Keun
          Mr Louw

    3. South African Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SASDEC)

      The latest Supply and Demand Estimates Committee report included in Annexure C was noted.

      Ms F Sundani from the NAMC gave a short presentation on the latest supply and demand estimates.

    4. Crop Estimates

      A presentation was delivered on the Crop Estimates Committee's view on the preliminary areas planted for soybeans and sunflower for 2023. An overview was provided of the areas planted with sunflower and soybeans during the period 2010-2023.

  8. Value chain aspects

    1. Processing

      Mr T Clark mentioned that the crushing numbers do not look too great for the processing industry.

      Mr P Lovelace mentioned that the demand for crushing of oil was less for January 2024 and February 2024 and will only pick up again in March 2024.

      Mr P Lovelace also mentioned that the Avian Flu had a big impact on processors.

    2. Trading

      Dr A van der Vyver gave feedback on the export of soybeans and the logistical challenges experienced in moving crops by rail transport instead of road transport. He also mentioned that yellow maize booked all the slots and that soybeans struggled to get slots for 2023. Maputo was used as an alternative port and 3 x smaller soybean vessels (<30 000 tons) have left the port. East London harbour was also operational. He also mentioned that new markets have opened in 2022 for Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam and that Portugal had been added in 2023. 11 of the 18 vessels booked have left already with a total of 350 000 tons of Soybeans exported.

    3. Storage

      No new information was reported.

      1. Dispute Resolution Process

        (Resolution 16.7.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 31/01/2023)

        Ms W Louw mentioned that SAGL had submitted the report to Agbiz Grain regarding the evaluation of an appropriate sampling apparatus for the dispute resolution purposes.

        Feedback was awaited.


        1. That it be noted that SAGL submitted the report to Agbiz Grain regarding the evaluation of an appropriate sampling apparatus for the dispute resolution purposes.

          Agbiz Grain

    4. JSE/SAFEX Feedback

      Mr V Mpumza gave feedback regarding a system upgrade at the JSE in respect of a multiple reference point model for the Soya contract that will go live in March 2024. Further feedback will be given at the next Forum meeting.

      Dr A van der Vyver enquired if information could be made available from the JSE regarding stock available per silo. Mr V Mpumza mentioned that the information was confidential and not allowed to be disclosed to the market. Mr V Mpumza will draft a market notice in this regard.


      1. That it be noted that Mr V Mpumza will draft a market notice regarding information to be shared with the market regarding stock availability at silos.


    5. SACTA: Feedback

      Mr A Bennett gave feedback on the following:

      • Industry Liaison
        • Annual Information Session held on 1 August 2023
        • Continuation of Soybean levy
          • 1 March 2023 - 29 February 2024 - R66/ton excluding VAT.
          • 1 March 2024 - 28 February 2025 - R92/ton excluding VAT.
      • Levy Collection and Distribution update
      • Performance Highlights
      • Transformation Expenditure & Forecast
    6. Consumers of Oil Seeds

      No new information was reported.

  9. Production: Soybeans and Sunflower

    1. Producer Matters

      1. KwaZulu-Natal

        1. General

          Mr R Küsel mentioned that it was a very good season for soybean and maize producers with above average yields.

      2. Mpumalanga and Gauteng

        1. General

          No new information was reported.

      3. North West and Limpopo Province

        1. General

          No new information was reported.

      4. Free State

        1. General

          No new information was reported.

      5. Eastern and Northern Cape and South Western Districts

        1. General

          No new information was reported.

      6. Weed and Weed Resistance

        1. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)

          No new information was reported.

  10. Soybean value chain

    Dr Briedenhann mentioned that the Soybean Value Chain were attending to the following matters:

    • Import duties on soybean meal;
    • Drying of soybeans; and
    • Soybean differential.

    Mr Keun mentioned that the Soybean Value Chain will concentrate on the Chemical Industry and Fertiliser Industry in the future as well.

  11. Sunflower value chain

    Dr E Briedenhann highlighted a few aspects attended to by the Sunflower Value Chain:

    • Growth in the industry by increasing yields i.e. planting dates;
    • High Oil Cultivars; and
    • Sclerotinia
  12. Research

    1. Soybeans

      1. National cultivar trials

        Ms A de Beer gave a presentation and did a brief overview of the National Soybean cultivar trials.

      2. Soybean rust

        Dr J Dreyer mentioned that soybean rust was not a major problem the past season.

      3. Sclerotinia

        The Chairman and Mr J Botma reported that Sclerotinia was present but did not damage the crop the past season.

      4. Rhizobium

        Mr Keun mentioned that Dr A Hassen from the ARC was continuing with the research and that most trials have been planted. Dr Hassen will submit a report after the 2023/2024 season.

      5. Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)

        Mr Keun mentioned that the "Sudden death syndrome of soybean in South Africa: Etiology, detection and management" project will continue.

        Mr Keun also mentioned that currently, Prof S Lamprecht were busy with seed treatment testing as well as cultivar susceptibility and she encouraged the seed companies to take part in the testing and to provide information and cultivars for testing purposes.

    2. Sunflower

      1. National cultivar trials

        Dr S Ma'ali gave a brief overview by way of a presentation of the following 3 (three) projects that the ARC were currently busy with:

        • Evaluation of commercially available Sunflower cultivars;
        • Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on Sunflower yield and quality; and
        • Investigate the effect of different planting dates on Sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West.
      2. Alternaria

        No new information was reported.

      3. Sclerotinia

        No new information was reported.

  13. Technology transfer

    1. Articles

      The contents of the documents, included in Annexure F, were noted.

    2. Sunflower highlights

      The contents of the documents, included in Annexure G, were noted.

    3. Information Days 2024

      The Chairperson requested that any dates of "Information Days" be forwarded to the Administration for circulation to the SSF members.

      Mr J Botma mentioned that information days for Soybeans were planned for 2024 and details would be provided as soon as possible.

    4. Videos

      The Chairperson requested that educational videos be forwarded to Ms Du Preez for uploading on the website.

    5. Oilseeds Focus

      No new information was reported.

    6. Yield Competition: Grain SA

      Mr C Louw mentioned that the awards evening of the "Grow for Gold" competition took place on 27 September 2023.

      Mr C Louw also mentioned that he will share the information of the finalists with the Administration for circulation to the Forum members.

  14. Additional matters


  15. Election of office bearers

    1. Election of Vice-Chairperson

      Mr Jan Botma was unanimously re-elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson of the Forum and representative of the Sunflower Forum at the OAC.


      1. That Mr Jan Botma be re-elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson of the Forum and representative of the Sunflower Forum at the OAC.

        Mr Keun
        Mr Botma

  16. Dates of meetings for 2024

    Meeting dates for 2024 will be communicated to members.

  17. Adjournment

    There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.