SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 29 October 2014 at 10:00 at the offices of the Oilseeds Industry, Rivonia
The meeting was opened with a prayer offered by Mr Frans Minnaar.
The Chairperson, Mr Gerhard Keun, welcomed all present to the meeting of the Groundnut Forum.
Mr GTduT Keun Chairperson Mr GJH Scholtemeijer OAC Mr RW Higgs Triotrade Gauteng Edms Bpk Me M Scheepers DAFF Ms M Purnell GSI Mr P van Heerden PPECB Mr S Matai PPECB Mr JL Nienaber RE Groundnuts Mr V Mapfumari DAFF Mr PA Visser Golden Peanut & Tree Nut SA Mr D Lindsey Golden Peanut & Tree Nut SA Mr L Olivier Golden Peanut & Tree Nut SA Mr R Nerwich The Snack Factory Mr N Hawkins SAGIS Dr G Thompson ARC-GCI Mr PP van Wyk VGM Ms A van Deventer Praxia Trading Mr C Louw GrainSA Mr L de Kock Roba Foods Mr F Minnaar GrainSA Mr C van Rooyen Landbouweekblad Mr C Thabete Department of Health Me J Sadie DAFF Me D Marabe DAFF Me M Goeiman PPECB H Engelbrecht PPECB Apologies
Mr N Wegener PPECB Mr S Heilbron PPECB Dr M Visser GrainSA Mr A Evans RE Groundnuts Ms P Campbell Department of Health Personalia
A moment of silence was observed to honour Mr Org de Witt. Mr De Witt passed away recently.
Finalisation of agenda
The agenda was approved unchanged, with the exception of the following additions:
- 9.6 – Draft Export Regulations
- 9.7 – Statutory Measures
- 9.8 – Quality Standards: Grading
- 9.9 – Tariffs
- 9.10 – Drying and Grading of Groundnuts
- 9.11 – Elite Cultivar Trials
- 9.12 – Groundnut Course: March 2015
Approval of minutes
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 26 March 2014
- That the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum that was held on 26 March 2014 be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting.
Matters arising from the previous meeting
Farm audits: PPECB
The Chairperson quoted from a report submitted by Mr Heilbron in respect of the farm audits.
It was noted that:
- The co-operation of the processing facilities were good;
- Some of the processing facilities did not respond to the request to submit their lists of farmers;
- Some farmers did not receive the audit manuals and some of the processing facilities did not have the manuals available;
- A total of nineteen (19) audits were performed and five (5) farms were compliant.
The Chairperson stated that some of the findings of the auditors related to problems with the hygiene policy, lack of MRL results, a lack of spray instructions and the absence of risk assessments.
The Chairperson agreed to include the PPECB report as an annexure to the next agenda.
It was mentioned that the process need additional management by the processing facilities, producers, PPECB and GrainSA.
Mr Visser proposed that a person at the processing plant visit producers before the audit to check documentation, as producers are not familiar with the process yet.
Mr Minnaar mentioned that GrainSA sent the manual electronically and that an article will be published to help producers focus on the audit process.
In addition, Mr Minnaar proposed that training be provided by PPECB at each processing plant.
Following discussion of the matter, it was agreed to:
- Include the PPECB report about farm audits as an annexure to the next agenda; and
- That the PPECB investigate the possibility of providing training to groundnut producers at the respective processing facilities.
- That the PPECB report about farm audits be included as an annexure to the next agenda.
Mr Keun
- That the PPECB investigate the possibility of providing training to groundnut producers at the respective processing facilities.
Mr Keun
Mr Heilbron
Mr Louw
Phyto-sanitary requirements
The meeting noted that there was no new information to report.
The matter was deleted from the agenda.
Groundnut Yield Challenge
The Chairperson confirmed discussion of the possibility of a yield challenge between the Chairperson, Mr Scholtemeijer of the OAC and Messrs Visser and Lindsey of Golden Peanut.
The Chairperson asked Mr Scholtemeijer to share his views on the matter, following a recent study tour. Mr Scholtemeijer referred to the following matters.
- The purpose of the competition;
- The importance to produce more groundnuts and regain some of the export market share;
- The fact that a competition like this provides the opportunity for producers to think outside the box and to not to stick to normal routines;
- Producers need to involve their seed suppliers, chemical suppliers and fertiliser companies et cetera;
- The importance to differentiate between a dry land and irrigation yield challenge;
- The compilation of rules of the competition (acreage, yield price money).
Mr Scholtemeijer mentioned that perhaps GrainSA should discuss the matter at their Groundnut Specialist Committee and provide feedback to the Forum at the next meeting.
Mrrs Visser and Lindsey were requested to draft a proposal for a yield competition which could be distributed for comments.
- That GrainSA be requested to discuss the possibility of a groundnut yield competition at their Groundnut Specialist Committee and give feedback to the forum.
Mr Minnaar
Mr Louw - That Messrs Visser and Lindsey be requested to draft a proposal in respect of a groundnut yield competition.
Mr Visser
Mr Lindsey
Groundnut Industry Stand at NAMPO
The Chairman requested Mr Visser to provide information about the matter.
Mr Visser mentioned that a stall at the NAMPO exhibition has been considered for some time, particularly to promote the groundnut industry. He mentioned that all role players should be involved and that the mentioned exhibition should be of a generic nature. Various challenges related to such an action were mentioned by the members.
The meeting requested information about the ARC-IGC exhibition. Dr Thompson mentioned that they still man a stall. He added that they focus on crops that were subjected to ARC-GCI research each year, selecting a particular focus for each annual exhibition.
Mr Scholtemeijer was of the opinion that focus, for the current year, should be on pamphlets et cetera to be made available at the ARC-IGC stall. He suggested that the pamphlet information relate to the generic marketing programme to be discussed under 7.6.
Ms Purnell suggested that the industry should focus on the consumer side, to inform consumers of products made from peanuts, including availability in the market. She mentioned that once the demand increases, focus could shift to the supply side.
Following a discussion of the matter, the meeting agreed that it is considered finalised and that it would be included in the agenda if the need to discuss it arises.
Combined Groundnut Farmer's Day
The Chairman requested Mr Visser to provide information about the matter.
Mr Visser mentioned discussions had been on-going for more than two years. The discussions were about such a day, but that the discussions have not progressed to action. Mr Visser suggested that it should be an open day, to allow invitation of the entire industry. He mentioned that it could include a combination of speakers and demonstrations.
Mr Louw said that it is a good idea, but that capacity to arrange such a day is problematic. The Chairman added that someone should assume responsibility for the action. Mr Scholtemeijer suggested that the Groundnut Forum should nominate a sub-committee to attend to the matter.
Mr Scholtemeijer also mentioned that the committee should pay attention to the format of such a day. Those involved should consider whether or not it is advisable to appoint an "events company". In addition, it is important to decide whether it should be considered an information day or symposium, including any possible invitation of foreign speakers et cetera A topic must be determined. He emphasised that it is possible to present such a day, but that the Groundnut Forum must decide what it wants.
It was proposed that Messrs Visser, De Kock and Minnaar further investigate the matter. Mr Keun undertook to convene the first meeting. The meeting also agreed that the information day/symposium will be held in 2016.
- That a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Visser, Minnaar and De Kock investigate the possibilities of a groundnut information day/symposium to be held in 2016.
Mr Keun
Mr Visser
Mr Minnaar
Mr De Kock
- That a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Visser, Minnaar and De Kock investigate the possibilities of a groundnut information day/symposium to be held in 2016.
Generic Marketing and Advertising
The Chairperson mentioned that the Members of the Forum were requested, at the previous meeting, to submit suggestions regarding generic marketing.
Mr Scholtemeijer proposed the following:
- The focus must be to make people more aware of the health benefits of groundnuts;
- It is possible, for example, to focus on peanut butter, such as the inclusion of the product in school feeding programmes et cetera;
- Articles in magazines, focusing specifically on women;
- Developing a slogan;
- Regular articles.
Ms Van Deventer mentioned that it may be fortuitous to appoint a sub-committee to investigate the matter and provide feedback to the forum. She was of the opinion that a "branding company" could be appointed to assist with various actions such as slogans and brand names.
- That the possibility of generic marketing focussing on the groundnut industry be further investigated.
Ms Van Deventer
Industry information and marketing aspects
SAGIS: General feedback and market information
Mr Hawking presented the latest groundnut information as compiled by SAGIS. He said the information included data on national and international supply and demand, local production figures, data on imports and exports, data on international and local stocks as well as indicative import and export parity prices, international prices and food prices.
Mr Hawkins continued by drawing attention to the information gathered from SARS. He mentioned that according to SARS more imports from Mozambique were reported. He also referred to the tariffs of blanched peanuts imported from Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, USA and Turkey.
Mr Hawkins thanked everyone in the industry for helping to supply information, including their support and trust.
Crop and area estimates
Cognisance was taken of the document "Summer Crops – area planted and final production estimate: 2014" dated 30 September 2014.
Ms Scheepers presented the latest groundnut information as compiled by the Crop Estimates Committee.
During the presentation Ms Scheepers referred to the groundnut production estimate for 2014, a comparison of the RSA groundnut production from 2004 to 2014, a comparison of the RSA groundnut yields from 2004 to 2014, the historic trends for the North West, Free State and Northern Cape Provinces, as well as the intention to plant for the 2014/2015 season.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Scheepers for her presentation.
Additional items
Cognisance was taken of the articles included as Annexure D.
Joint Food Safety Forum and MRL Work Group
Cognisance was taken of the contents of the minutes of the Joint Food Safety Forum and MRL Work Group Meeting held on 20 May 2014.
Ms Van Deventer provided background information about the establishment, working and attendance of the said forum. She mentioned that the next meeting of the said forum was scheduled for 19 November 2014.
International news
The Chairperson referred to the articles included in Annexure F and mentioned that the international information could be valuable for the generic marketing campaign.
Mr Minnaar asked whether the information/research in terms of breeding would be shared with the South African producers against the background that international lines/cultivars are being tested in South African trials.
Mr Visser emphasised the importance of international involvement in South Africa.
Pesticide residue testing
Cognisance was taken of the service rendered by PPECB in respect of pesticide residue testing in groundnuts and delivered products.
Protein testing
PPECB provided information about the possibilities of testing protein in groundnuts.
Mr Scholtemeijer enquired about the necessity of protein analysis, particularly recipients of the information about protein content as one cannot receive a premium on protein.
It was mentioned that it may be important for groundnut producers, as well as in terms of labelling products.
The Chairman mentioned that role players are aware of approaching PPECB, should protein analyses be required.
Pesticide Management Policy
Cognisance was taken of the document "Notice 1120 of 2010 – Adoption of pesticide management policy for South Africa" received from Ms Campbell of the Department of Health.
Draft Export Regulations
Ms Van Deventer mentioned that the Draft Export Regulations were circulated among forum members during July/August 2014. The objective was to obtain comments.
Ms Van Deventer asked about any feedback received or comments submitted by the groundnut role players.
The Chairperson confirmed that any documentation received is processed by administration to forward such documents to the relevant role players. The comments from role players should be forwarded directly to the relevant department and the forum does not necessarily receive such copies.
A question was raised about the opportunity to still submit comments. Ms Purnell said she heard that DAFF will still consider any comments arising from the meeting in progress.
Ms Purnell proposed that, for future reference, role players should submit a copy of their comments to the forum.
Following discussion of the matter, the meeting agreed that:
Any documentation distributed to role players (by the administration division) for comments, should include a request to submit comments to the relevant department and to submit a copy of the comments to the forum's administration division.
- That any documentation distributed to role players (by the administration division) for comments, should include a request to submit comments to the relevant department and to submit a copy of the comments to the forum's administration division.
Mr Keun
- That any documentation distributed to role players (by the administration division) for comments, should include a request to submit comments to the relevant department and to submit a copy of the comments to the forum's administration division.
Statutory measures
The Chairman mentioned that draft documents about the matter are available. He requested members to take a document and familiarise themselves about the reasons for launching an application for statutory measures.
Mr Louw provided background information about the application. He mentioned that role players in the industry already supplies information monthly. In future information will be available sooner, compared to the current situation.
The Chairman mentioned a few minor adjustments to the document before circulating it and requesting comments.
Grading: Runners
Ms Van Deventer referred to the possible planting of more runner varieties in South Africa. She expressed concern about the grading. According to her, it is not so easy to distinguish visually between the old stock and runners. She posed a question to PPECB in this regard.
Ms Van Deventer said, in future it might be important for South Africa to distinguish between the percentage runners produced and the percentage of Spanish type produced in South Africa.
The Chairperson asked Mr Van Heerden of the PPECB to respond. Mr Van Heerden said that PPECB already addressed the matter and confirmed that the facilities accepting runners must provide evidence of products submitted to the PPECB for food safety purposes.
Mr Van Heerden confirmed that one can see the differences between runner types and Spanish type groundnuts. He mentioned that PPECB already visited producers planting runner types. The producers visited confirmed that they store the produce separately.
The Chairman asked Mr Louw whether the discussion point, "Drying and Grading" that he included as an additional item on the agenda, relates to the point under discussion.
Mr Louw confirmed that it does relate to the point under discussion. He mentioned that increasing numbers of producers are changing to a mechanical harvesting process. It means that the product is delivered with a higher moisture content. Producers requested an adaptation of the grading process based on the changed harvesting methods.
Ms Van Deventer indicated that the discussion related to export grading, not producer grading. She also mentioned that there are no official producer grading regulations.
In addition, it was mentioned that the PPECB would have to take into consideration the higher moisture content at delivery, as well as determining the presence of foreign materials.
Mr Hawkins said that he felt it would be good to add an addendum to the current grading rules, particularly to address the aspects discussed.
The possibilities of a meeting between producers and the PPECB were mentioned, particularly to come to some agreement on the matter.
Ms Purnell suggested that GrainSA draft a document to provide for the requirements. Once drafted, the document may be circulated, inviting comments from the relevant role players.
Mr Van Wyk confirmed that his concerns were addressed under item 9.4.
Drying and grading
The matter was discussed under item 9.7.
Elite Cultivar Trials
Mr Minnaar expressed gratitude about a visit to an Elite Cultivar Trial. He also asked whether a summary of the trials and results may be obtained for publication in GrainSA.
Mr Scholtemeijer mentioned that information about the Elite Trials is confidential and that the request would have to be considered based on agreements entered into with foreign partners. The request must be considered by the OAC.
- That feedback being awaited form the OAC regar-ding the results of the Elite Trials and publishing thereof.
Mr Scholtemeijer
Mr Keun
- That feedback being awaited form the OAC regar-ding the results of the Elite Trials and publishing thereof.
Groundnut Course
Mr Van Heerden mentioned that the PPECB plans a Groundnut Grading Course to be presented at the end of February 2015, or beginning of March 2015. He asked whether the secretarial services could provide assistance with sending invitations to such a course.
The Chairman mentioned that it is in order.
Election of Office Bearers
The Chairperson mentioned that the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson were appointed for a period of two years. He also indicated that their terms do not run concurrently.
He confirmed that he is not available for re-election and called for nominations for the position of Chairperson of the SA Groundnut Forum for the period November 2014 until the end of October 2016.
Ms A Van Deventer was elected as Chairperson of the SA Groundnut Forum.
Due to Ms Van Deventer's position as Vice-chairperson, Mr Keun called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairperson of the SA Groundnut Forum, for the period November 2014 until the end of October 2015.
Mr L de Kock was elected Vice-chairperson of the SA Groundnut Forum.
- That Ms A van Deventer be elected as Chairperson for the period November 2014 until the end of October 2015.
Mr Keun
Members - That Mr L de Kock be elected as Vice-chairperson for the period November 2014 until the end of October 2015.
Mr Keun
- That Ms A van Deventer be elected as Chairperson for the period November 2014 until the end of October 2015.
Meeting dates
The following dates were proposed:
- 11 February
- 25 March
- 29 July
- 28 October
The Chairperson thanked the members for their contributions during the past year. He wished all a safe journey when they returned home. As there was no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 13:05.