Canola videos
Experts from various disciplines answer questions most often asked by canola producers as well as imparting important information and tips to help producers increase their canola yields, determining when is the right time to swath, seeding depths and crop staging, to name a few.
Strategic steps for high canola yields
Phil Thomas, author of the well-known Canola Growers Manual, gives detailed information about inputs and management from seed selection through all stages of crop development that contribute to top canola yields.WSU CAHNRS
How do I know when to swath?
Tiffany Martinka of the Canola Council of Canada give important tips and information to Canola School viewers helping them determine when they should swath their canola based on seed colour when they open pods.SHAUN HANEY – CANOLA SCHOOL
Straight cutting: starting well, finishing well
Chris Holzapfel of the Indian Head Research Foundation talks about what producers should consider when straight cutting canola, such as adequate seeding rate and improved shattering tolerace of some canola varieties.SHAUN HANEY – CANOLA SCHOOL
Seeding: depth and consistency
Canola Council of Canada's Kristen Phillips investigates what impact seeding depth and consistent placement has on canola production in terms of how depth variability also affects crop staging.SHAUN HANEY – CANOLA SCHOOL
Diseases on canola
Sclerotinia stem rot control in canola
Sclerotinia stem rot has become one of the most important diseases in canola production in the Western Cape and can cause yield losses in excess of 50%. Sclerotia can survive 3-4 years in the upper 5cm of soil.PROTEIN RESEARCH FOUNDATION
Sclerotinia - application window for fungicides
Fungicide applications target petals, which makes fungicide applications prior to flowering ineffective in controlling sclerotinia. Chemicals prevent germination of spores that land on canola petals.PROTEIN RESEARCH FOUNDATION